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Lauraville : Featured Stories

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Morgan State University unveils plan to boost neighborhood

Morgan State University has embarked on a new initiative aimed at improving the surrounding community and quality of life for students and staff. It has teamed up with Hamilton-Lauraville Main Street, MedStar Samaritan Hospital and others on the Morgan Community Mile.

Main Street Group Hopes to Jumpstart Retail in Northeast Baltimore

The Hamilton-Lauraville neighborhood has become a dining destination with restaurants like Clementine. But the local Main Street group wants the area to be known for its shopping as well. So it's renovating an old fire station that it will use as an incubator to support budding shop owners.

What's the Buzz? Beehives Burgeon in Baltimore Backyards

Some Charm City residents are giving new meaning to the words Baltimore beehive. They are keeping bees in their backyard so their garden bears more fruit and they get to tap into their inner bad-boy. And no, they don't seem too worried about getting stung. 

Getting Crafty

A number of creative professionals are leaving the cubicle to pursue their passion for making things. From potters to purse makers, these individuals take DIY to a new level. 

Bmore Media Readers Weigh In on "Diner," Male/Female Sculpture

Bmore Media readers share their views on two Baltimore works of art: the movie "Diner" and the "Male/Female" sculpture.

Are Baltimore's Green Initiatives More Than Just Talk?

In Baltimore there has been a lot of green talk, a lot of green white papers and a lot of green promises. Talk, as they say, is cheap; so, is the city making good on its green agenda? And are there jobs in it for Baltimore residents?

That's So Bmore: Why We Love This Charmed City

Every city has something that sets it apart. New York oozes sophistication. In D.C. it's all about influence and power. New Orleans, on the other hand, has a relaxed, laissez-faire attitude. This is the first in a series in which we'll look at things that make Baltimore so Baltimorish -- the things that lure in new residents, compel those who live here to stay and keep former inhabitants longing for home.
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