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Bmore Media Goes on Holiday

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Surely we can't be the only ones looking up from our work and wondering, "is summer really over?" It seems in many ways to have only just begun.

Alas, the calendar doesn't lie. Labor Day is the universal signal that, yes, fall will be here before we know it.

In recognition of that fact, we -- like many of you -- will be taking a short break. In real terms that means no new issue this week or next. We'll return to a full publishing schedule -- at least two features plus eight news items and four "buzz" items per week -- starting on Tuesday, September 13.

In the meantime please enjoy some of our archived content, and feel free to drop us a line at feedback[@]bmoremedia.com if you have any questions, comments, tips, bourbon drink recipes, etc.

Take care, everyone. We'll talk again soon.
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