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Letter From the Editor: May, 2011

America always bounces back. Always meets the challenge. Always renews and redoubles. Right?

That these things are held true is a core part of our national narrative. This is, after all, the country that overcame a Civil War and a Great Depression (among other challenges). This is the country that always emerges stronger from its struggles. That's what we do.

Today we're in the process of doing it yet again. There are real and consistent signs that the economic catastrophe of the past few years is abating. Nothing's certain, of course, but evidence exists that we're closer to a new period of growth than we are to the recent period of retraction. The bulls may not be out in full force but the bears are, at least, considering hibernation.

With that in mind, here's a thought: let's not screw this up.

This isn't the kind of thing where a second chance seems likely. There's little or no margin for error. We've got to get this right, and part of that means not waiting around for someone else to do a job we can start right now ourselves.

Growth is both a macro and micro question. There's the "economy" as a whole, which is largely out of our control. But there's also the on-the-ground reality of the choices we make and the money we spend as both individuals and communities. That part we can control.

Each person will interpret how to go about this according to his or her own beliefs. As they should. The key point, however, is this: it's time to start making more and more decisions with an eye toward investment. In oneself. In the community. In ideas. In the country as a whole.

What does that mean? It means considering the bigger picture and looking at the long view. It means taking a moment to uncover the hidden connections. It means developing a refined focus on value.

We have a real opportunity right now to build something better than what we had before. If we leave things up to the usual suspects in government and business the mistakes of the past will likely not only be repeated, they'll be doubled down.

Making sure that doesn't happen starts today, and it starts with each of us.

Neal Shaffer is, among other things, the managing editor of Bmore Media.

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