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New program uses buddy system to promote energy conservation

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Baltimore has launched a nine-month, $300,000 energy conservation program that will have neighbors helping neighbors. Trained volunteers will go door-to-door, sharing information about how area residents can be better environmental stewards and conserve energy. The goal is to cut electricity use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Baltimore 15 percent by the year 2015.

An excerpt from the article reads:

Baltimore Gas & Electric Co., a subsidiary of Constellation, has been working to educate customers about the importance of reducing energy use, said Mayo A. Shattuck III, CEO, president and chairman of Constellation. As an example, Shattuck said running a dishwasher at midnight costs less than running it at 3 p.m., when more businesses and homeowners are using power.

Shattuck called energy efficiency the "next wave" in environmental awareness campaigns. "This is a lifelong commitment," he said of cutting energy consumption.

Through the city's pilot program, neighborhood "captains" will recruit volunteers to educate the neighborhood on how to reduce energy use. Civic Works, Baltimore's job-training section of AmeriCorps, will teach the volunteers how to reach out to their neighbors.

Read the entire article here.

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