Hopkins students might get a chance to be on camera as "The Social Network" -- a film based around Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg -- shoots on John Hopkins University's campus this week. Touting the screenwriter of "The West Wing" and the director of "Fight Club," the film is already getting a lot of hype from movie buffs and tech geeks alike.
Here's an excerpt:
"Good morning,
Baltimore! Here's something you'll want to update your status about, post on people's walls and create albums for -- the Facebook movie's coming to town! And whoever manages to appear in it will win a special prize from Mark Zuckerberg of potentially knowing that you exist.
"The Social Network" is already the most anticipated movie of 2010 for film geeks as well as people who spend too much time on their computers, thanks to the participation of "The West Wing"'s Aaron Sorkin, who signed on to write the script, and "Zodiac" and "Fight Club" director David Fincher. (I am Jack's nerdy roommate having a walk-and-talk with investors?)"
Read the entire story here.