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Washingtonian let's preconceptions go to see the real Baltimore

There's no use denying it, the Hollywood spotlight has exposed some of Baltimore's seemiest bits, but that's not all our fair city has to offer as this neighbor from D.C. found on recent visit.

Here's an excerpt:

"A few weeks ago, I ventured beyond the beltway to explore that other city not so very far away.

I'm referring, of course, to Baltimore. Charm City, Mob Town, B'more -- whatever you want to call it -- Baltimore is a mere 36 miles away from Washington and makes for the perfect weekend escape.

Being a lifelong Washingtonian, I had my fair share of negative preconceptions when it came to Baltimore. While I've always loved the harbor and the aquarium, the rest of the city left a bit to be desired. I thought the streets were dirty, I was perturbed by its pockets of crime, and for some reason, it always seemed to rain when I visited.

OK, so maybe that last reason isn't very well founded.

At any rate, I paid a visit to friend and Baltimore native, Jon Paley, who was adamant that my reservations about his fair city were hogwash.

His means of persuasion? Music and Jewish deli."

Read the full post here.
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