John Wagner, The Washington Post's Maryland blogger, reports that the Baltimore City Entertainment Group will change its application for a slots parlor to include six times the number of machines previously requested. A state commission is expected to decide on the application in the fall.
An excerpt from the blog reads:
In February, the Baltimore City Entertainment Group emerged as the only bidder for a Baltimore license, one of five authorized by the state. At the time, the group applied for 500 machines, well below the maximum of 3,750 allowed at the site. Michael Cryor, a consultant to the group, said that it is now close to formalizing a rumored change in its application to install 3,750 machines.
The group is also now looking to construct a building to house the machines a few hundred yards away from the previous location. The new site on Russell Street, which was reported this morning by The Daily Record, would be more visible and be further away from neighborhoods, Cryor said.
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