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Biotechnology : Featured Stories

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Step OUT: For Baltimore Innovation Week

Participate in networking events, lectures and conferences that celebrate innovation in Baltimore's tech community. 

Swimming Toward Success: Turning Marine Research Into Commercial Gold

A marine research institute at the University System of Maryland appointed a new director this month and is commercializing three of its technologies. Russell Hill talks about what's next at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Science. 

Video Feature: Maryland's Biotech Scene

As the BioInternational conference takes place down in Washington, DC, Bmore Media dives into Maryland's thriving biotech industry with an eye on what makes the state an appealing destination for biotech jobs, research, and talent.

The Land of Biotech Opportunity

Twenty years ago it was possible to travel the length and breadth of Maryland and miss the few biotechnology firms in the state. Fast forward to 2010 and in key regions of Maryland its hard to go down the street without tripping over one biotech company after another. We wondered what it is that's attracting researchers, entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies to Maryland. So we sent a video crew out to find out.

The Inner Harbor: Going from Bio-don't to Bio-do

The Inner Harbor. It's the city's crown jewel, attracting visitors from around the world. There's just one small problem: the water. Known more for its impenetrable murky depths, fish kills, and algae blooms, some might say the term "Healthy Harbor" is an oxymoron. But, with the help of area citizens, the Waterfront Partnership says in 10 years that could all be history.


Breaking into the technology sector is no easy thing. bwtech@UMBC's ACTiVATE program seeks to level the playing field for women entrepreneurs. In just 12 months they take mid-career women and give them the knowledge to create a startup focused on medical innovations and biotechnology.

Maryland ponders its wealth of ideas

With more than its fair share of top-notch universities turning out one researcher after another with the next big idea, Maryland is flush with potential biotech companies. So what does the state need to do to make sure scientists and entrepreneurs can take full advantage of this embarrassment of riches?

Juxtopia: Looking Toward the Biotech Future

Jayfus Doswell, head of Juxtopia, is creating biomedical technologies to boost human performance. He's also using his ambitions to give back to his native Baltimore.

Baltimore: A City Charmed for Business

Growth in the biosciences, IT, the impact of BRAC and Baltimore's proximity to D.C. are fueling a "second renaissance" in the region. With all that going for it, Baltimore offers fertile ground for companies looking for their first home or a new location for their HQ.
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