A Maryland sports blogger weighs in on reports that a 2011 Baltimore Grand Prix may become a reality. The Baltimore Racing Development is reportedly tapping investors to raise some $1.4 million for the event.
An excerpt from the post reads:
The report is suspect in a couple of areas. For one, BRD (Baltimore Racing Development) was formed specifically to bring a race here. The wording "has been formed to organize the race" is a little misleading, as it implies that it's a new organization. Second, the final paragraph says that Baltimore will join two other cities "in hosting a race," which obviously really means "in hosting a street course race." That second point is a small one, but it does give me pause.
Regardless, I'm pulling for that Monday news conference to happen, and for this event to happen. It would be huge for the city, and on a more basic level it would be a ton of fun.
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