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Celebrate Black History Month with Annapolis tour

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Annapolis has more to offer than its rich maritime history. According to the Washington Post Maryland's capitol city is also replete with history about African-Americans during the Colonial era.

Here's an excerpt:

"Annapolis, with its narrow, cobbled streets overlooking the water, its cute boutiques and taverns, and its historic state Capitol and impressive U.S. Naval Academy, provides for a great Washington escape, even in the bleakness of winter. But during Black History Month, Annapolis also provides a great African American history lesson.

On a two-hour guided walking tour of the town, you'll learn what it was like to be black in Annapolis in the 1750s. Slaves were often sold in the back of Reynolds Tavern or Middleton Tavern, two bars that exist today. Slaves bought fresh produce at the market by the water. They had to attend St. Anne's Church (which still stands) with their owners and had to sit in the back."

Read the full article here.

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