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PETA strips down to its skivvies against fur in Bmore

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In case you missed it, here's a peek at the recent protest People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) staged outside of Lexington Market last week. Wearing little more than bunny ears, cotton tails, and signs reading, "Only Animals Should Wear Fur," a pair of PETA beauties handed out leaflets urging people to cross fur off their shopping lists. The leaflets explained why buying and wearing fur supports one of the cruelest industries on the planet.

Part of PETA effort to inform consumers about how rabbits and other animals on fur farms spend their entire lives in cramped, filthy cages before they are killed by poisoning, gassing, anal electrocution, or neck-breaking. Animals trapped for fur suffer excruciating pain before trappers stomp on their chests or break their necks. In China�which is now the world's leading fur exporter�animals, including cats and dogs, are sometimes skinned alive.

"I'll gladly bare my skin in the cold if it will help save animals' skins," says naked "bunny" Amanda Fortino. "With so many stylish and toasty alternatives to fur available, there's no excuse for harming a hair on a real bunny's back."
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