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Baltimore County to use $8M of federal stimulus funds to repave area roads

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Baltimore County residents will soon see the impact from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant. County Executive Jim Smith is using $8 million of the funding to resurface roads throughout the county. 

The resurfacing of McCormick Road (1.8 miles from York Road to Beaver Dam Road) is the first in a series of projects that will stretch over the next two years. This event marks federal funds reaching the County to create/preserve jobs.

The grant is limited to minor arterial and collector roads - local, residential streets are excluded - and the 18 roads, covering more than 26 miles, selected for resurfacing have been apportioned evenly among the council districts:

•District 1, Westchester and Dogwood
•District 2, Sugarcone, Greenspring, and Gwynbrook
•District 3, Freeland, Graystone, and McCormick
•District 4, Dogwood and St. Lukes
•District 5, Fairmount and Hillsway
•District 6, Hazelwood, Lillian Holt, and Wilson Point
•District 7, Holabird, Merritt, and Stemmers Run 

"In every crisis, there is an opportunity, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is making the most of this opportunity by investing in projects such as educational programs and infrastructure improvements, the kind of projects that create jobs and strengthen the foundation of our communities," says Smith. "This groundbreaking legislation is investing $787 billion in the future of our nation, giving communities across our country a much needed injection of cash that has helped curb the effects of this recession and put our economy on the path to recovery."

Source: Baltimore County Development Corporation
Writer: Walaika Haskins
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