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Agora Inc.

14 W. Mount Vernon Place
Baltimore, MD 21203
For the ancient Greeks, the center of social activity was the Agora, a lively marketplace where people came not only to buy and sell goods, but also to meet to exchange news and ideas. That same philosophy is what drives Agora Inc.

Located in Mount Vernon, Agora is a holding company for various publishers of financial, health, travel and special interest books and newsletters — each offering ideas, information and insights.

Some of what it publishes is very practical — such as how to get the best price for an airline ticket or how to best manage arthritis pain. Other topics are rather abstract — such as man’s relationship to the state, or how monetary policy affects people’s lives.
Agora Inc. launched its first publication, International Living, from Washington, D.C., in 1979. The travel and retirement newsletter has 100,000 subscribers.

Agora’s companies publish more than 300 books and 40 newsletters, reaching 1 million readers from around the world.

The company has offices in London, Paris, Mumbai, Johannesburg, Buenos Aires, Melbourne and Waterford. Many of its titles are available in French, Spanish, German and Italian.

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