Founded this year,
Asurvest provides web-based investment insurance for private and professional investors in Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms.
Based on its proprietary statistical and risk management models, Asurvest says that it can accurately quantify certain kinds of business risks.
Luke Cooper, CEO of investment advisory company Performant Ventures, and Sudhir Shandilya founded the company. Performant, Shandilya and Baltimore native and serial entrepreneur Clarence Wooten have all invested an undisclosed sum in the company.
Based on its proprietary statistical and risk management models, Asurvest says that it can accurately quantify certain kinds of business risks. It will provide default risk insurance at premiums that range from two to 20 percent of the initial investment.back the company.
The company recently hired Lloyd Foster as chief risk officer and tapped Kathryn Marsh as a regulatory consultant. It will open a Baltimore City office within the next three months.