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Drafting the Future of Education at Baltimore Design School

Like many cities, Baltimore is in the midst of trying to reconfigure last century's educational system so that it may better meet the coming century's needs. Progress, in all likelihood, will arrive not in a single moment where we declare the problems "fixed," but rather in increments. Take for example the Baltimore Design School, a new effort to provide design-focused education within the broader context of Baltimore City schools. Follow us behind the scenes to learn more.

Startup City Poised to Turn Baltimore Into an Entrepreneurial Hub

The Silicon Valley of the East? Well, it's no secret that Baltimore has a wealth of talent, energy, and ideas -- the building blocks of emerging business and culture. Perhaps all we need to take the next step is a little bit of organization. Enter Startup City, which aims to provide just that.

Baltileaks: New Media Targets Old Ways

By now you've likely heard of Baltileaks, the anonymous group seeking to harness new media as a means of bringing enhanced transparency and accountability to city government. They've pulled an impressive feat in generating a great deal of discussion and coverage in a very short amount of time. Whether it's a disruptive force for good or simply a blip on the radar, however, is another issue entirely.

Ancient Lessons: Sustainable Agriculture Takes Root at Kayam Farm

"What is this earth I live on -- within half an hour of my house -- capable of producing right now?" It's a question both asked and answered at Kayam Farm, where Jewish agricultural traditions point the way to a better, more meaningful relationship with food. Bmore's Sam Hopkins went behind the scenes to learn more.

Letter From the Editor: March, 2011

The debut installment in a series of monthly Bmore Letters From the Editor. First up, Verb Baltimore and owning the future.

Beating Odds at the Social Work Community Outreach Service

When the University of Maryland steered away from traditional models and created the Social Work Community Outreach Service (SWCOS) plenty of folks said it would never work. Today -- nearly 20 years and some 900 field placements later -- the school is still busy making a difference in communities across Baltimore.

Startup Sites Work to Rewrite Baltimore's Media Map

It's worth remembering that there was a time, not terribly long ago, when "media" meant the morning paper and the 6 o'clock news. When a handful of large, powerful voices dominated the conversation. No more. Today, startups on a shoestring can speak as loudly and clearly as more established outlets. We took a look at the emerging media scene in Baltimore and found five sites making a name for themselves by doing just that.

Video: What Are They Doing at Goddard Space Center?

NASA. The very name conjures wonder, a sense of limitless possibility. Ingenuity writ large. But how often do you get a chance to peek behind the curtain? Bmore was able to do just that, and we returned with a video report.

Innovative Chefs Look to Broaden Charm City's Palate

You can learn a lot about a city by looking at its restaurants. World-class cities have world-class dining, and the reverse is generally true as well. So where does Baltimore rank? Perhaps not on par with a New York or a Paris, but thanks in part to an emerging crop of talented, innovative folks we're more than holding our own. We tracked down five local chefs whose names you should know (and whose food you should try).

Storytelling, Evolved: Shine Creative Carves a New Niche in Video

Shine Collective was for years one of Baltimore's go-to boutiques, a one-stop shop that offered an exceptionally well-curated retail experience. The shifting tides of economic upheaval took their toll, however, and the store closed last year. But the story doesn't end there. Rather than fold up entirely, the boutique evolved. Owners Jamie Campbell and Melissa Kirby teamed up with Campell's husband, filmmaker Drury Bynum, to form Shine Creative. Together they're bringing the same keen eye that made the boutique a success to the emerging market of online film and video.

The Inner Harbor: What the World Can Learn From Baltimore

For those who call Baltimore home the Inner Harbor is easy to take for granted. For some it's even an object of derision, loaded as it is with tourist traps. Individual opinions aside, this much is clear: it's a landmark piece of urban planning and development with broad lessons to teach, both good and bad. We took a look at some of the pros and cons with an eye on what Baltimore can teach the rest of the world.

First In the Manufacture of Straw Hats: The Past and Future of Baltimore Industry

Baltimore's industrial past is present at every turn, woven into both our infrastructure and our DNA. Yet one would be hard pressed to accurately describe present-day Charm City as a manufacturing town. What happened, and where do we go next? The answers lie in understanding the lessons of the past and adapting to a new and possibly better future.

Hiring: Join the Bmore Media Team

Bmore Media is looking for one or more plugged-in, talented individuals to help out around the shop (so to speak). Interested?

Bmore Media Sponsorship: The Contemporary Museum's Winter Party

We're an official media sponsor of the Contemporary Museum's 2011 Winter Party.

Closing East Baltimore's Health Care Gap at Charm City Clinic

Affordable health care is as hot-button a topic as you'll find in America today. Yet while bureaucrats, politicians, and pundits wrangle over policy proposals in far-flung centers of power, the human truth of the issue can be all too easily lost. Not so at East Baltimore's Charm City Clinic, a grassroots effort to provide sustainable, neighborhood-based care to those who need it most.
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